Google has Google's LSI - Latent Semantic Indexing.... So we need to know how to make LSI work for us. A few years ago people could manipulate their position on search engines by method known as "Keyword Stuffing". They would "stuff" their websites with keywords while trying to discover perfect keyword density that would give their site a top ten ranking.
Today, Google has developed more advanced algorithms, and only a few of Google's engineers know how they work. You will find various SEO (search engine optimization) tips on the net saying that you need to put your keywords in the title of your web page, in title of the post in tags...but even that nor a lots of visitors doesn't guarantee you higher position in search engines.
Trough advanced algorithms and word association Google is able to tell if a page with a word "mouse" is about animal or computer perihelia, by reading the whole content of the page and referencing its database. It also compares how the combination of certain words results in web page content.
So forget about copying text from other web sites because Google can see that too. So, if you write your web pages naturally you will have much chance in ranking higher on search engines. But, the keywords are important too...
For start you could copy the URL of the page that comes first when you type a certain keyword. You could then copy that site's URL and paste it in some Keyword discovery programs to see what keywords are used on that web page. Study this results and use groups of related keywords with links on your page to develop strong on-page factors. But remember this is just a tip of the iceberg of SEO!
Zvonimir Penic Article Source: |