Every blog that you create has what is known as a RSS feed, and your network marketing blog has this feature as well. However, the RSS feed is one of the most overlooked and under utilized features of many blogs, but it can be a powerful tool in helping you to use your blog more effectively in building your network marketing business.
The RSS feed to your blog is like a summary of the most recent posts to your blog and can be sent to those who subscribe to it. To better understand what your RSS feed is and what it does, see this post. Every time you update your network marketing blog, your RSS feed is updated and a new summary of the most recent items is created and can be viewed in a feed reader.
So, what is so great about this feature? It can help you get more traffic to your blog. In a Wordpress blog, you should have a list of sites that are ‘pinged’ every time you make an addition to your blog. ‘Pinging’ is just a term that means these sites are notified whenever you add content to your network marketing blog.
In addition to pinging these sites, you should also add your blog and RSS feed to different blog and feed directories to increase your exposure. This means that every time yo update your blog, these site are notified, and people who visit these sites looking for information in your niche are able to find your blog/RSS feed, which helps funnel traffic to your site. If you provide great information, you will find that more and more visitors and mlm prospects will visit your site.
Jaz Lai is a MLM Blog Expert. Discover how to use your personal BLOG to Double or Triple your organization within the next 30 days. Click below for instant access :
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